Zeno van den Broek presents Breach (Live A/V)

He/him — NL
Friday 17 June — MACA

Zeno van den Broek is a Dutch composer, performing and media artist whose works investigate and unsettle the relationships between people and fabricated surroundings. In his performances and installations, he works with the nature and impact of complex digital systems and what audiovisual aesthetics they produce. His live sets are visceral, embodied experiences as he works with the architecture and unique sonic qualities of spaces. You are invited to experience moments of disruption, friction and possibilities that activate our sense of agency.

The audiovisual performance Breach dives into chaotic systems and creates a manifestation of recent global events of protests, riots and acts of violence across the globe. The album and live audiovisual performance explore the build up and release of tension, anger and energy in a new form of pitch black metal electronics and dense polyrhythmic structures. Utilising electromagnetic recordings of communication devices and found footage of uproars Breach establishes an intense experience by putting the spectator in the center of a system on the verge of breaking into chaos.