FIBER Festival 2022
FIBER Festival is an Amsterdam based meeting place for everyone interested in contemporary audiovisual art, daring conversations and experimental electronic music.
With its 6th edition FIBER invites a curious audience to explore a multi-sensory programme that reimagines the relationships between humans, technology and a radically changing world.
20 May | FIBER x The Rest Is Noise
8 — 19 June | Exhibition
16 — 19 June | FIBER Festival
Amsterdam + Online

With the theme Mutation (Part II), FIBER Festival continues its investigation into the (in)ability of humankind to adapt to fundamental transformations in its living environment. What does the future of humanity look like under the influence of a radically changing earth and the subsequent inseparable adaptations of its modern society? Are we, forced by global warming and planetary-wide technological developments, able to steer towards a new post-human world? One in which man is no longer the centre of reality?
Through an artistic exploration, we will offer different perspectives on these mind-altering questions during the festival programme. Artists, musicians, researchers and performers will share their beliefs and speculations on the nature of mutation through sound, image, space, and sensory experiences.
After the first part of the programme in 2021, FIBER Festival is preparing for the second programme on the theme Mutation in June 2022. The festival will continue to reveal the mutating relations between humans, nature and technology as questioned and captured by arts and design. This time zooming in and out on the collisions between worldviews, the material nature and planetary scales of computation, industrial and spiritual realms and proposals for different types of futures.
In the domain of science, ‘mutation’ is the alternation of genetic material. The cells of organisms and viruses undergo changes due to mutation, after which their being – and the interactions with their environment – can radically transform. One of the most well-bespoken cases of mutation are, of course, the current COVID-19 variants and our constant mitigation with these shapeshifting viruses.
Mutation can be seen as an unwanted development, but might also present opportunities to change habits and minds. Within the FIBER Festival programme we will be working with the concept of ‘mutation’ from a broader and artistic perspective. By blurring separations and exploring alternative relations, mutation could provide us with both actionable and speculative modes of moving towards new forms of existence and resilience.
The extractive nature of Western information- and energy systems are causing a severe degradation of the planet and its inhabitants. Around the world we are seeing the impact of these systems, driving further environmental pollution and extreme socio-economic inequality. Meanwhile, researchers, activists, artists and engineers are experimenting with alternative modes of governance and post-capitalist design strategies to sustain existing and foster new communities. Moving from centralised and extractive models to communally driven and more-than-human societies.
Advanced forms of artificial intelligence, hyperreal simulation technologies, and recent developments in bio-engineering dissolve boundaries between natural and artificial systems. Ecology and technology are becoming, and are, intimately entangled. At the same time, scientists and artists take a critical stance towards traditional notions of nature, based on classification and linear progress.
Instead of the predominance of a male techno utopia, we can turn towards other knowledges which are more attuned to natural cycles, such as spiritual and feminist approaches, and queer ecologies. They offer ways to adapt to cyclical rhythms, nomadic existence, new forms of kinship with more-than-human entities and fluid identities.
Artists and researchers are revisiting moments before the industrial revolution and past spiritual authorities to explore other paths to futures. Magical thinking, a renewed interest in rituals, paganism and (digital) wxtchcraft propose altered ways of learning, thinking and being embedded within (a mutation of) nature and technology.
FIBER Festival 2022 invites you to take a deep dive into these various approaches to mutation, and how they could help us navigate the moment we find ourselves in. The installations, performances, live sets and lectures provide thoughts and strategies for adaptation or rejection of current modes of living.
Find out more on last year’s programme: Mutation (Part I)
To realise FIBER Festival 2022, we need talented and inspiring volunteers to help us organise the conference, exhibition and music programme. Would you like to gain experience in setting up and developing a digital culture festival? Then sign up!
About FIBER; A new generation of interdisciplinary makers and thinkers
Since its first edition in 2011 at club Trouw in Amsterdam, FIBER brings together hybrid art fans, music lovers, artists and curious strangers to experience the latest developments in digital culture and experimental audiovisual performing arts.
The programme offers a stage to a new generation of interdisciplinary makers and thinkers who work between the fields of performative arts, club culture, creative coding and (artistic) research.
Besides public events like this, we regularly organize collaborative peer-to-peer labs for artists, scientists and musicians. FIBER is above all a meeting place for sharing new views and experiences.
Contact & Press
If you have any questions about the festival programme or if you would like to contact our team, please contact us at via:
General information: info@fiber-space.nl
Volunteers: zoe@fiber-space.nl
Ticket information: tickets@fiber-space.nl
Press & Communication
Press inquiries, accreditation and other information: press@fiber-space.nl
Read our latest press releases here.