Professional & Student Lab: Audiovisual Art Assembly
Fri 17 June | Likeminds | 11:00 - 18:00
A deep dive into artistic and critical making-processes
and a meeting place for professionals and students
As a precursor for the festival conference, this one-day lab event at Likeminds aims to share knowledge about unique making processes behind contemporary audiovisual art, performances and visionary design projects, with the aim to build bridges between a wide selection of professional makers, thinkers, students and organisers.
AAA invites you to meet the makers and explores contemporary tools and topics. Get to know new creatives, gain insight into their studio and art practice. In addition, there will be in-depth sessions with talks and conversations on new modes of internet and ecological governance, and post-anthropocentric economies.
The day is divided into different tracks: panels and table sessions.
Note: to attend one of the Sessions, you need to reserve a spot. You can do this by adding a free ticket to your basket in the shop. The reservation is only valid in combination with entrance ticket for the Audiovisual Art Assembly.
Gedempt Hamerkanaal 203, 1021 KP Amsterdam
Regular €10
Student €5
Doors open at 11:00, coffee available(!).
Network Drinks | 17:00 - 19:30
We will close the day with a sunny networking drink, with the aim of meeting many makers and thinkers active in audiovisual art, design, creative coding and various design directions.
Come along, even if you have not participated in the day's programme. The networking drinks are freely accessible. This event is hydrated by Oedipus Brewing.
This programme is part of FIBER’s ongoing Reassemble Lab.
Header image: Instar (2021), Vibeke Mascini
Zoë McPherson, FIBER 2021 by Maarten Nauw
Panel #1: Developing Audiovisual and Spatial Performance Systems
12:00 – 13:00
In the session Developing Audiovisual and Spatial Performance Systems, we will talk to artists and designers who are developing their own performative instruments, working together with, or between, different artistic and technical disciplines.
We will discuss learning points in developing their own soft/hardware instruments, how makers translate their research into emergent or natural patterns. What do they run into? And how do they give shape to experiences? If you want to learn more about this area, and ask the makers questions, join this session.
With Seven Orbits (Matteo Zamagni) and more TBA.
SOFT CENTRE Festival 2019 by Jordan Munns
Panel #2: Performing Beyond The Screen SOFT CENTRE Showcase
14:00 – 15:00
In collaboration with our Australian partner SOFT CENTRE festival, this panel will explore the development and presentation of multi-sensory and cross-disciplinary stage performances, in which audiovisual shows leave the screen and compose space and bodies in innovative ways.
The team of SOFT CENTRE – Thorsten Hertog, Jemma Cole, Sam Whiteside – and dj/producer and performer Makeda share their experiences on developing and presenting these productions, which have become a unique signature of SOFT CENTRE. Further, they will discuss organising the festival in a city that gives little space to experimental art and sound, bringing together disparate scenes to create more cross-pollination between them and amplifying artists from marginal communities more broadly.
This panel is a collaboration with SOFT CENTRE festival and is part of the exchange, supported by the Australia Council for the Arts.
LSF2, Dieter Vandoren
Panel #3: Electric Patterns
16:00 – 17:00
In this panel, we will talk to two artists who work with media such as electricity, developing hardware themselves and translating natural patterns into large, network-like installations.
What extraordinary connections do they make between different domains? What translations of media and materials are needed to make it work as a whole? And: how do you compose with properties of materials and intangible elements like light?
Artist Vibeke Mascini will talk about the work on installations in which electricity, light and generative processes lead to complex patterns and forms of life. She is inspired by natural cycles and works with electricity and optics as direct artistic sources. Also joining is artist, performer and developer Dieter Vandoren. His work revolves around the creation and play of spatial audiovisual instruments and environments with a focus on embodiment, immersion and primary sensory experiences.
Note: to attend one of the Sessions, you need to reserve a spot.
You can do this by adding a free ticket to your basket in the ticket shop.
The reservation is only valid in combination with entrance ticket for the Audiovisual Art Assembly.
Natural Intelligence:
Towards A Fossil-Free And Fair Internet
13:00 – 14:30
The current internet has an immense carbon footprint and currently exceeds the impact of the aviation sector. It is now widely known that we need to change our travel behavior, but how do we change the internet? How could we change our digital behavior and what role do designers, developers and decision-makers play in this?
As a follow-up to our previously organised Natural Intelligence lab, we are continuing the research and the discussion on alternative network infrastructures and a low-carbon and fair internet, based on earthly dynamics and ecological ethics. Topics will range from decolonial design literacy and permacomputing, using everyday technologies and developing low-carbon websites.
What does it mean to learn from, adapt to, and work with natural intelligence? How to imagine, articulate, practice and connect initiatives towards a fossil-free and fair internet?
In this session at FIBER Festival 2022, learnings from and beyond the lab, and ongoing individual and collective endeavors will be discussed during a roundtable in Amsterdam and remotely.
Co-emerging Economies:
Exploring Radical Perspectives On
Post-Anthropocentric Economies
15:00 – 16:15
There is an emerging global awareness that our current Neo Liberal free-market economic system is responsible for ongoing exploitation of all living beings and extraction of the earth. This threatens not only future human prosperity but may have existential consequences for all species. Celebrating the launch of the recent publication Co-Emerging Economies (published by Lecturis & Baltan Laboratories, 2022), this session will examine how we can reset our relationship with the planet by re-imagining different socio-economic possibilities.
Reon Brand (Senior Director Foresight and Socio-cultural trends at Philips Design) elaborates on his model Co-Emerging Futures in which he maps ‘streams’ of social change transforming our world. Godelieve Spaas (Professor new economy at Avans University of Applied Science), makes the GAIA economy tangible and experienceable through the chain of exchanges that, in the current economy, remains invisible in the production of things. The lectures are followed by a roundtable conversation.
Photo: Patricia de Ruijter – mediakaal.nl
Zoöp Introduction & Walk
16:30 – 18:00
Zoöp is the title of an organisational model for cooperation between human and nonhuman life that safeguards the interests of all zoë (Greek for 'life'). The zoöp model makes the interests of nonhuman life part of organisational decision making. Co-developed by Klaas Kuitenbrouwer (Het Nieuwe Instituut) and a network of artists, designers and researchers, the zoöp proposes an innovative governance model that fosters a practice of ecological regeneration, allowing humans and non-humans to work together. It is a radical model that enables any organisation to contribute to ecological regeneration.
This session will offer a short introduction to the Zoöp and a walk through Amsterdam Noord to apply the principles of the Zoöp in the environment. For students, design professionals, programmers and everyone who is in positions of decision making about an organisation's impact on the environment.